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- /* FrameObject.c */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Out Of Phase: Digital Music Synthesis on General Purpose Computers */
- /* Copyright (C) 1994 Thomas R. Lawrence */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* */
- /* Thomas R. Lawrence can be reached at tomlaw@world.std.com. */
- /* */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include "MiscInfo.h"
- #include "Audit.h"
- #include "Debug.h"
- #include "Definitions.h"
- #include "FrameObject.h"
- #include "NoteObject.h"
- #include "Memory.h"
- #include "DataMunging.h"
- #include "NoteImages.h"
- #include "Frequency.h"
- #include "StaffCalibration.h"
- #include "Fractions.h"
- struct FrameObjectRec
- {
- NoteObjectRec** NoteArray; /* too much overhead to use ArrayRec object */
- OrdType Width; /* cached width value; 0 == unknown */
- };
- /* allocate a new frame. */
- FrameObjectRec* NewFrame(void)
- {
- FrameObjectRec* Frame;
- Frame = (FrameObjectRec*)AllocPtrCanFail(sizeof(FrameObjectRec),"FrameObjectRec");
- if (Frame == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return NIL;
- }
- Frame->NoteArray = (NoteObjectRec**)AllocPtrCanFail(0,"FrameNoteObjectArray");
- if (Frame->NoteArray == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- ReleasePtr((char*)Frame);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- Frame->Width = 0;
- return Frame;
- }
- /* dispose of a frame and all notes it contains. be careful here since this won't */
- /* worry about tie references to notes contained in the frame. */
- void DisposeFrameAndContents(FrameObjectRec* Frame)
- {
- long Scan;
- Scan = NumNotesInFrame(Frame) - 1;
- while (Scan >= 0)
- {
- DisposeNote(Frame->NoteArray[Scan]);
- Scan -= 1;
- }
- ReleasePtr((char*)(Frame->NoteArray));
- ReleasePtr((char*)Frame);
- }
- /* get the number of notes contained in the frame */
- long NumNotesInFrame(FrameObjectRec* Frame)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- return PtrSize((char*)(Frame->NoteArray)) / sizeof(NoteObjectRec*);
- }
- /* get the note specified by the index from the frame object */
- struct NoteObjectRec* GetNoteFromFrame(FrameObjectRec* Frame, long Index)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- PRNGCHK(Frame->NoteArray,&(Frame->NoteArray[Index]),sizeof(NoteObjectRec*));
- return Frame->NoteArray[Index];
- }
- /* delete a note in the frame. returns True if successful. */
- MyBoolean DeleteNoteFromFrame(FrameObjectRec* Frame, long Index)
- {
- NoteObjectRec** NewArray;
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- NewArray = (NoteObjectRec**)RemoveEntryFromArrayCopy((char*)(Frame->NoteArray),
- Index,sizeof(NoteObjectRec*));
- if (NewArray != NIL)
- {
- ReleasePtr((char*)(Frame->NoteArray));
- Frame->NoteArray = NewArray;
- Frame->Width = 0;
- return True;
- }
- else
- {
- return False;
- }
- }
- /* append a note to the frame. returns True if successful. */
- MyBoolean AppendNoteToFrame(FrameObjectRec* Frame, struct NoteObjectRec* Note)
- {
- NoteObjectRec** NewRef;
- long OldSize;
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- CheckPtrExistence(Note);
- OldSize = PtrSize((char*)(Frame->NoteArray));
- ERROR(IsThisACommandFrame(Frame),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AppendNoteToFrame: adding note to command frame"));
- ERROR(!IsThisACommandFrame(Frame) && (NumNotesInFrame(Frame) > 0)
- && IsItACommand(Note),PRERR(ForceAbort,
- "AppendNoteToFrame: adding command to note frame"));
- NewRef = (NoteObjectRec**)ResizePtr((char*)(Frame->NoteArray),
- OldSize + sizeof(NoteObjectRec*));
- if (NewRef == NIL)
- {
- return False;
- }
- Frame->NoteArray = NewRef;
- Frame->NoteArray[OldSize / sizeof(NoteObjectRec*)] = Note;
- Frame->Width = 0;
- return True;
- }
- /* find out if this is a command frame. command frames are allowed to have a */
- /* single command and nothing else in them */
- MyBoolean IsThisACommandFrame(FrameObjectRec* Frame)
- {
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- return (NumNotesInFrame(Frame) == 1) && IsItACommand(Frame->NoteArray[0]);
- }
- /* find out the width of this command/note frame and draw it if the flag is set. */
- /* it assumes the clipping rectangle is set up properly. the X and Y parameters */
- /* specify the left edge of the note and the Middle C line. */
- /* this routine does not handle drawing of ties. */
- OrdType WidthOfFrameAndDraw(WinType* Window, OrdType X, OrdType Y,
- FontType Font, FontSizeType FontSize, OrdType FontHeight,
- FrameObjectRec* Frame, MyBoolean ActuallyDraw,
- MyBoolean GreyedOut)
- {
- OrdType Width;
- /* this caching of the width of the frame should speed things up */
- if ((Frame->Width != 0) && !ActuallyDraw)
- {
- /* we can only do this if we aren't drawing! */
- return Frame->Width;
- }
- /* we should be able to find ways of overlapping the notes if they won't */
- /* be on top of each other on screen but we're not going to for now. */
- if (IsThisACommandFrame(Frame))
- {
- /* it's a command frame, so draw using the special command drawing routines */
- Width = DrawCommandOnScreen(Window,X,Y,Font,FontSize,FontHeight,
- GetNoteFromFrame(Frame,0),ActuallyDraw,GreyedOut);
- }
- else
- {
- long Limit;
- long Scan;
- /* we have to draw the notes ourselves. */
- Width = 0;
- Limit = NumNotesInFrame(Frame);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- NoteObjectRec* Note;
- /* get the note to be drawn */
- Note = GetNoteFromFrame(Frame,Scan);
- CheckPtrExistence(Note);
- /* do the icon stuff */
- if (ActuallyDraw)
- {
- Bitmap* Image;
- Bitmap* Mask;
- OrdType NoteOffset;
- /* first, obtain the proper image for the duration */
- if (!GetNoteIsItARest(Note))
- {
- switch (GetNoteDuration(Note))
- {
- default:
- "LengthOfCommandFrameAndDraw: bad duration value"));
- break;
- case e64thNote:
- Image = SixtyFourthNoteImage;
- Mask = SixtyFourthNoteMask;
- break;
- case e32ndNote:
- Image = ThirtySecondNoteImage;
- Mask = ThirtySecondNoteMask;
- break;
- case e16thNote:
- Image = SixteenthNoteImage;
- Mask = SixteenthNoteMask;
- break;
- case e8thNote:
- Image = EighthNoteImage;
- Mask = EighthNoteMask;
- break;
- case e4thNote:
- Image = QuarterNoteImage;
- Mask = QuarterNoteMask;
- break;
- case e2ndNote:
- Image = HalfNoteImage;
- Mask = HalfNoteMask;
- break;
- case eWholeNote:
- Image = WholeNoteImage;
- Mask = WholeNoteMask;
- break;
- case eDoubleNote:
- Image = DoubleNoteImage;
- Mask = DoubleNoteMask;
- break;
- case eQuadNote:
- Image = QuadNoteImage;
- Mask = QuadNoteMask;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- switch (GetNoteDuration(Note))
- {
- default:
- "LengthOfCommandFrameAndDraw: bad duration value"));
- break;
- case e64thNote:
- Image = SixtyFourthRestImage;
- Mask = SixtyFourthRestMask;
- break;
- case e32ndNote:
- Image = ThirtySecondRestImage;
- Mask = ThirtySecondRestMask;
- break;
- case e16thNote:
- Image = SixteenthRestImage;
- Mask = SixteenthRestMask;
- break;
- case e8thNote:
- Image = EighthRestImage;
- Mask = EighthRestMask;
- break;
- case e4thNote:
- Image = QuarterRestImage;
- Mask = QuarterRestMask;
- break;
- case e2ndNote:
- Image = HalfRestImage;
- Mask = HalfRestMask;
- break;
- case eWholeNote:
- Image = WholeRestImage;
- Mask = WholeRestMask;
- break;
- case eDoubleNote:
- Image = DoubleRestImage;
- Mask = DoubleRestMask;
- break;
- case eQuadNote:
- Image = QuadRestImage;
- Mask = QuadRestMask;
- break;
- }
- }
- /* duplicate images so we can modify them */
- Image = DuplicateBitmap(Image);
- if (Image == NIL)
- {
- goto FailurePoint;
- }
- Mask = DuplicateBitmap(Mask);
- if (Mask == NIL)
- {
- DisposeBitmap(Image);
- goto FailurePoint;
- }
- /* now, handle divisions */
- switch (GetNoteDurationDivision(Note))
- {
- default:
- "LengthOfCommandFrameAndDraw: bad division value"));
- break;
- case eDiv1Modifier:
- /* no change */
- break;
- case eDiv3Modifier:
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(Div3Image,Image);
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(Div3Mask,Mask);
- break;
- case eDiv5Modifier:
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(Div5Image,Image);
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(Div5Mask,Mask);
- break;
- case eDiv7Modifier:
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(Div7Image,Image);
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(Div7Mask,Mask);
- break;
- }
- /* handle dots */
- if (GetNoteDotStatus(Note))
- {
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(DotImage,Image);
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(DotMask,Mask);
- }
- /* sharps and flats require more clever handling */
- if ((GetNoteFlatOrSharpStatus(Note) & eSharpModifier) != 0)
- {
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(SharpImage,Image);
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(SharpMask,Mask);
- }
- if ((GetNoteFlatOrSharpStatus(Note) & eFlatModifier) != 0)
- {
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(FlatImage,Image);
- BitmapOrIntoBitmap(FlatMask,Mask);
- }
- /* check greying status */
- if (GreyedOut)
- {
- BitmapAndIntoBitmap(GreyMask,Image);
- }
- /* perform the drawing */
- NoteOffset = Y + ConvertPitchToPixel(GetNotePitch(Note),
- GetNoteFlatOrSharpStatus(Note))
- BicBitmap(Window,X,NoteOffset,Mask);
- OrBitmap(Window,X,NoteOffset,Image);
- /* dump the bitmaps */
- DisposeBitmap(Mask);
- DisposeBitmap(Image);
- /* increment X for the next time around */
- }
- /* update the width count */
- FailurePoint:
- if (Width == 0)
- {
- /* first time you get the whole width */
- }
- else
- {
- /* other times, you just get whatever extra there is */
- }
- }
- }
- Frame->Width = Width;
- return Width;
- }
- /* find out the duration of the specified frame. returns the duration of the */
- /* frame as a fraction */
- void DurationOfFrame(FrameObjectRec* Frame, struct FractionRec* Frac)
- {
- long Scan;
- long Limit;
- NoteObjectRec* Note;
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- if (IsThisACommandFrame(Frame))
- {
- Frac->Integer = 0;
- Frac->Fraction = 0;
- Frac->Denominator = (64*3*5*7*2);
- return;
- }
- Limit = NumNotesInFrame(Frame);
- ERROR(Limit < 1,PRERR(ForceAbort,"DurationOfFrame called on empty frame"));
- /* obtain duration of first element */
- Note = GetNoteFromFrame(Frame,0);
- GetNoteDurationFrac(Note,Frac);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- FractionRec TempFrac;
- Note = GetNoteFromFrame(Frame,Scan);
- GetNoteDurationFrac(Note,&TempFrac);
- if (FracGreaterThan(Frac,&TempFrac))
- {
- /* choose smallest one */
- *Frac = TempFrac;
- }
- }
- }
- /* make a total (deep) copy of the frame and the notes it contains */
- FrameObjectRec* DeepDuplicateFrame(FrameObjectRec* Frame)
- {
- FrameObjectRec* Copy;
- long Limit;
- long Scan;
- CheckPtrExistence(Frame);
- Copy = NewFrame();
- if (Copy == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint1:
- return NIL;
- }
- Limit = NumNotesInFrame(Frame);
- for (Scan = 0; Scan < Limit; Scan += 1)
- {
- NoteObjectRec* NoteCopy;
- NoteCopy = DeepCopyNoteObject(GetNoteFromFrame(Frame,Scan));
- if (NoteCopy == NIL)
- {
- FailurePoint2:
- DisposeFrameAndContents(Copy);
- goto FailurePoint1;
- }
- if (!AppendNoteToFrame(Copy,NoteCopy))
- {
- FailurePoint2a:
- DisposeNote(NoteCopy);
- goto FailurePoint2;
- }
- }
- return Copy;
- }